Friday, January 8, 2016

Kelapa Hutan (Pandanus brossimus dan Pandanus julianettii)

TOMMY WENNO. Kelapa Hutan (Pandanus brossimus dan Pandanus julianettii) as sources of local food by the Central Highlands communities of Papua Province, guided by JIMMY F. WANMA, S.HUT., M.App.Sc

            Purpose of this paper giving out information about one of the endemic species of plants highlands of Papua, especially the central highlands of Papua province, whose fruit can be used as a local food source in relation to food security, diversity food and and cultural values from utilization of the fruit.
            This paper used literature study method and relevant references to obtain the appropriate data. According to Lekitoo et all (2013), Kelapa hutan (Pandanus brossimus dan Pandanus julianetti) are two endemic plant species of Papua are often used by local people as a source of food as well as having high cultural value. This plant species suitable to be used as a source of local food because it has a good nutrient content of protein, fat, vitamin C. It can colaborate with other source of nutrient of other plants. Utilization of these plants can be carried out both to directly and indirectly. Direct utilization can be done by cutting the fruit in half, fruit seeds and skin removed  taken then obtain the contents of the fruit ready to eat, while utilization can be done indirectly by burning and drying kelapa hutan. Preservation in a way that can create a food source to survive four until six months to three until four years.
            In cultural central highlands of Papua Province society, Kelapa hutan is the most special dish in a traditional ceremony besides to the pork and buah merah. Availability of kelapa hutan in a traditional ceremony is organizing its own prestige for the party, because its related to the system of traditional leadership in the area known as the pria berwibawa. Leadership positions can be occupied by anyone who is judged to have wealth. Traditional ceremony that took place led by pria berwibawa, which would be flattered if the supply of kelapa hutan as one of the menu, so kelapa hutan is one must menu presented.
            Kelapa hutan is so valuable until that the current central highlands society have done traditionally by using a cultivation system that is by sowing seeds on the wet area and then plant that has grown to be moved to a specified location.
            Nutrient content and high cultural value making kelapa hutan very good to as a source of local food consumed as well as the potential to be developed in the central highlands of Papua province. Though conservation effort have traditionally done, but the kind of development effort it still needed, for example to build a garden collection, garden seeds, or community gardens as a source of seeds and prevent the extinction of these plant.
Innovation and creative of local community to be the developed for example by making jam, sticky rice, syrup, and other products because the fruit have survive long product without preservative. 

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